Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 2: USGS Topographic maps

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle

2.  Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood

3.  1966

4.  North American Datum of 1927, North American Datum of 1983, National Geodetic Vertical datum of 1929

5.  1:24,000

6a. 1200 m
6b. 1.89 mi
6c. 2.64 in
6d. 12.5 cm

7. 20 ft

8a. 34 d 4’30” N, 118 d 26’ 15” W; 34.075 degrees N, 118.434 degrees W
8b. 34 d 0’ 28” N, 118 d 29’ 0” W ; 34.0078 degrees N 118.483 degrees W
8c. 34d 6’ 15” N , 118d 24’ 45” N; 34.0042 degrees W, 118.4125 degrees W

9a.  600ft,  182.88 m
9b.  140 ft, 42.67m
9c.  800ft, 243.84 m

10.  zone 11

11. 37630000 ft N, 3620000 ft W

12.  1,000,000 sq. meters 


14.  +14

15. south

16. UCLA Campus

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